Born and raised in western Ukraine, my love for art began at the age of 3, when I started decorating and displaying my “pretty” drawings, created with sharpies and markers, throughout my entire home. I knew I had a natural gift, but I was not sure if others would feel the same way. I remember spending my early years with coloring books, then later moved into painting with the excitement of mixing colors and the joy of sliding a brush against the canvass. This always brought me happiness and peace. I continued to pursue art studies through grade school and University. My love for art lead me to pursue a degree in Interior Design.
In my early 20’s; my aspirations and ambition, a passion to live in the United States, combined with a little bit of luck, brought me to a beautiful set of barrier islands off the coast of North Carolina called The Outer Banks. This is where my journey in America began and is still unfolding. Initially, only knowing a handful of English words, it was not easy finding my path. After a few jobs I was fortunate to find a career in Interior Design. For the past, several years I have been providing interior design and décor for luxury vacation homes. This encompasses most of my time, but I remain engaged in my true passion with my paintings and art when time allows.
As an interior designer my desire was to utilize original artwork and paintings in my projects. At times, it was difficult to find pieces that were the appropriate theme, color pallet, size, and desired budget. I started using more and more prints to fit the needs of specific jobs, but my strong desire was to use or create original pieces. Based on this, I began to paint the “perfect” pieces in the evenings, when I could not find the right artwork. A strong connection developed between my work as an interior designer and my love for painting. This has allowed me to work daily on things I am truly passionate about and has combined my two loves of Interior Design and Art.
I am truly grateful for all the wonderful friends and colleagues that have cared for and guided me along my journey.
My motivation for this website is to share my love and passion of artwork with friends, family, and clients. My goal, over time, is that the website will demonstrate my growth as an artist and provide a resource for anyone interested in purchasing my art.
I have personally enjoyed using many of my pieces to help add a little sparkle and personality to a room, and I hope they will add sparkle to your life as well. Please Enjoy!